
2024-01-09 11:21投资百科阅读投稿:百利好环球

摘要不要在高处或低处打冲锋。让市场告诉你什么是新高或新低。 100. Keep some perspective. Trees don't grow to the sky. Values don't go to zero. What are histories ***recent highs *


100. Keep some perspective. Trees don't grow to the sky. Values don't go to zero. What are histories ***recent highs ***lows, Loan levels, Loans are not necessarily price floors. CCC selling prices aren't necessarily price ceilings.


101. "If you get in on Jones' tip; get out on Jones' tip". If you are riding another person's idea, ride it all the way.


102. Run early ***not at all. Don't be an eleven o'clock bull ***a five o'clock bear.


103. Woodrow Wilson said, "a governments first priority is to organize the common interest against special interests". Successful traders seek out market opportunities capitalizing on the reality that government's first priority is rarely achieved.


104. People who buy headlines eventually end up selling newspapers.


105. If you do not know who you are, the market is an expensive place to find out.


106. Never give advice—the smart don't need it ***the stupid don't heed it.


107. Disregard all prognostications. In the world of money, which is a world shaped by human behavior, nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Mark that word—nobody! Thus the successful trader bases no moves on what supposedly will happen but reacts instead to what does happen.


108. Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.


109. Except in unusual circumstances, get in the habit of taking your profit too soon. Don't torment yourself if a trade continues winning without you. Chances are it won't continue long. If it does console yourself by thinking of all the times when liquidating early preserved gains you would otherwise have lost.
